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PO Box 667561 Houston, TX 77266


+1 (713) 357 9619


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Rate Us – Follow Us

Rate Us – Follow Us

Ready to say some nice things about us or connect with us through Facebook and Twitter? We outlined various ways you can do so to make it a quick and easy process. Go down this list (or pick which one you want) and we can get things going. If we can do the same for you, please contact us. Thanks again!

Google Maps Listings

We know that word of mouth is the best form of referral business but we can’t deny our listing on Google. Many of you wonder friends who happened to become customers found us on Google. So please follow these steps and give us a little nudge on there. Here’s how and be sure you have a google/gmail account and are logged in.

  1. Click on this link and go to our Google Places listing
  2. Now look for the stars icon. If you haven’t rated us before then you should see some grayed out stars like this:

    If they are not grayed out then apparently you rated us already and you’re really cool for that!
    If not then proceed to click how many stars we deserve. Now this is where you remember all the wonderful things we did for you and not the bad ones (maybe the small amount). But lets go ahead and put 5 stars there. Click on the fifth far right star like this:
  3. Next you’ll just fill out the little form there & press Publish and you’re FINISHED!


Follow Us on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is growing in popularity as people are finding a way to reach business minded individuals outside of the social arena like FaceBook. If you’re not following us on LinkedIn, please take a few clicks to do so
We would really like your recommendation for our efforts. Be sure to be logged into your LinkedIn account and follow these quick steps to do so.

  1. Visit this URL:
  2. Once there, you should see a button on the right hand column that says Follow Company, click there:
  3. That was easy right? One more step if you don’t mind. Share us out to your network. Click on the Share button. You’ll get the following popup:
  4. Fill out the comment area, click to Tweet if your Twitter account is linked, and then press Share… TADA!


LinkedIn Recommendation

LinkedIn is growing in popularity as people are finding a way to reach business minded individuals outside of the social arena like FaceBook. If you’re not already connected to us, please do so now. Just click on the bright yellow button at the top right add us to your network.
We would really like your recommendation for our efforts. Be sure to be logged into your LinkedIn account and follow these quick steps to do so.

  1. Click on this link to go straight to your Recommendations section:
  2. Once there, you should be under Sent Recommendations tab and at the bottom you will see the form to make a recommendation:
  3. You can enter in our info in the fields like in the image below or the easiest way it to find us by using the the “select from your connection” list link:
  4. Then select us as a Service Provider or if we’ve interacted in other ways select whats appropriate:
  5. Press the Continue button and on the next page you will select us a Graphic/Web Designer (unless we watched your children then you would select Child Care Provider):
  6. Then select the year we worked together:
  7. Select the Top 3 Attributes that best describes us:
  8. Now comes the last item… Write your Recommendation. Be honest, working on projects with a team isn’t always a walk in the park. We’ll still love ya! When finished, just press SEND and you’re done… THANKS!


Facebook Like & Wall Message

Now for the fun stuff, be sure to like us on Facebook and leave us a nice little message. We’ll likely be talking nice about you also to share the news of your business. Login to your Facebook account and follow these steps:

  1. Visit our Facebook Page and Like:
  2. Be sure to leave a nice note and if we updated/launched your new site, share it out as well by placing your link in your wall message. This will also share out your business to others.


Follow Us on Twitter & Tweet a Nice Mention

Let’s not forget about our Twitter efforts. How about we follow each other on Twitter? And if you happen to just love what we created for you, please give us a nice mention with your Twitter account.. we’re sure to respond. Be sure to be logged into your Twitter account and follow these steps:

  1. Visit our Twitter Page:
  2. Once there be sure you’re following us on Twitter, if not click on the + Follow button:
  3. And then tweet a nice message and be sure to mention us. To do so, just include the following text (without quotes) in your 140 character goodness “@nuesion”. Our name should show up if you’re following us already:


Google Plus 1 Us

At the time of this writing, Google Plus 1 is a new contender to other social networking recommendation features. But since its so heavily tied into search results we, and so should you, feel its very important to build it up. So be sure to Google Plus 1 us. It’s a real simple step just make sure you have a google/gmail account and that you’re logged into it. Some of you might already show the Google Plus One icon in your search results. If so, visit this search term:

  1. Visit this search result:
    Depending on your settings, you may see this. Hopefully we’re at the top 🙂 :
  2. Find our Listings for and (or any URL’s that are on or, to the right of the title you will see this icon (if you haven’t Google Plus One’d bodybuilding hormone health zone us yet):
  3. Put your mouse over the Google Plus One icon or our listing and it will change to this:
  4. Once you click on it, you will Google Plus One us and it will look like this and you’re ALL DONE! (feel free to click on as many as you like):