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Client Portfolio: The Daily Economy Report

Client Portfolio: The Daily Economy Report

The Daily Economy Report - Custom WordPress Design
The Daily Economy Report – Custom WordPress Design

Web design doesn’t always have to be strikingly beautiful to attract a large readership. Here at Nuesion, we pride ourselves in designing contemporary web experiences but ultimately it’s the passion that our customer have for getting their message out that creates a great synergy. In this case, our client wanted to launch a financial news aggregator site called The Daily Economy Report. To create the right feel, the client asked us look at top competitors in financial and political news – one being The Drudge Report (, which is – admittedly – a somewhat chaotic-looking site; however, with a Page Rank of 7 and a staunch position as the 430th most visited website on the entire Internet, this page is nothing to scoff at! (Check out this article titled: Study Says Drudge Report Drives More Traffic Than Facebook & Twitter Combined

Next, we thought, “How can we take our clients’ desire to be as successful as The Drudge Report, while also create an end-product that looks and navigates better for readers?” We decided to cut down on the top-of-the-page advertisements, first and foremost. Next, we put the site logo up top in a prominent position and put the feature story at center stage. We also felt it was very important to add some navigation to the site, so we put in a horizontal bar directing people to the Homepage, Blog, Knowledge Center, Videos, and News Archives. Since web video is a mainstay for current and relevant news, we wanted to feature a few of those as well. If you continue down the page, you’ll see the site does as expected by consolidating valuable links and articles, much like the Drudge Report, and also including a Facebook widget to encourage open discussion on these stories. Lastly, we added some incredible backend features that allowed for quick content publishing, management and maintenance from our client’s iPhone or iPad. All this was done on a WordPress foundation with a custom design and features. Despite the minimalist feel, this project did present a challenge in keeping our instinct of creating a more visual intense web experience in check. Ultimately the client knew what they wanted and we delivered.

The Daily Economy Report Vs Drudge Report
The Daily Economy Report Vs Drudge Report

In the end, our client was exceedingly satisfied, “we are off and running with what I believe to be an amazingly simple, yet powerful design that my followers will grow to love.” (read full testimonial here).

We look forward to The Daily Economy Report’s success and encourage you to visit the site: as well as connect with them on Facebook: