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Nuesion Web Marketing Video: Stop Contact Form Spam with Captcha – Houston, TX

Nuesion Web Marketing Video: Stop Contact Form Spam with Captcha – Houston, TX

Spam Bots attacking your Contact Form? Cut them off with security like Captcha!

Nuesion Networks: Revolutionists’ in Web Marketing bring another installment by answering questions on how to solve spam bots from attacking your contact form on your website and setting up captcha security image.


Hi and welcome to another episode of Web Marketing Tips & Techniques from Nuesion: Revolutionists in Web Marketing. Today on the phone we have Dee from Houston Texas. Hi Dee, how are you doing and what’s your question?

Hey Jerry, I’m doing great. Um, We have a contact form on our website and it gets a lot of spam mail. What, what can we do to eliminate this problem?

I know exactly what you’re talking about. I bet your contact form has no verification system to see if the submitter is a human or a spam-bot.

A bot is usually an application that is launched by spammers to exploit contact forms to get their message out. You can set up a filed that says IF YOU ARE A HUMAN, CHECK THIS BOX, most humans will catch that, but a spam bot won’t. You can easily stop these automated attacks by setting up atleast one layer of human verification. A more advance solution would be incorporating a visual verification process called Captchas. Captchas are pretty straight forward but can annoy the hell out of someone people. I guarantee, if you set up a captcha system, you’ll reduce 90% of your spam email.

If I need more information, where can I go to get it?

Visit our blog at where we’ll post more information about Captcha and security verification systems. While you’re at it you might want to remove your email address from your website, especially your contact page. This is usually harvested by spammers and used when they get their spam lists out.

Oh, okay, well thank you.

Hey, your welcome!