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Top 3 Advantages Of A WordPress Site

Top 3 Advantages Of A WordPress Site

Choosing a Content Management System is one of the most important decisions a business can make. Choosing the right CMS will make it easier (or harder) for you to update your website with unique content. (As you know, there is nothing search engines love more than organic, growing websites with loads of juicy, relevant, timely content!) There are so many options, including Joomla and Drupal, but here we’ll explain why we love creating a website in WordPress.

About WordPress

Currently, there are more than 70 million WordPress websites worldwide. Of course, that number will change quickly, as about 100,000 new WordPress websites are created each day. Over 327 million people read more than 2.5 billion pages each month. On an average day, 500,000 new posts are created and 400,000 people comment on a website in WordPress. Many well-known publishers have chosen WordPress as their Content Management System of choice, including Tech Crunch, NBC Sports, CNN, UPS, Gigaom, and CBS Radio, to name a few. I guess what we’re trying to say here is that WordPress is really, really popular!  Of course, that doesn’t tell you the whole story.

wordpress website#1 Benefit of A WordPress Site: It’s User-Friendly!

Once upon a time, you couldn’t add a blog or a page to your site — or even update the homepage content — unless you had an in-depth understanding of computer programming languages. So, more often than not, what would happen is you’d call up your website developer and ask them to implement the changes you need. Not every Houston web company is as responsive as us, so you can imagine all the aggravation business owners would endure while waiting for their content to be updated! Worse yet, imagine if you had hired a totally unscrupulous character to design your site at the lowest price… and he dropped off the planet altogether, leaving you with no option but to create a whole new website since you had no way of ever updating the old one!

Anyhow, the good news is that you will never have this problem with a WordPress site. Once you login with your user name and password, the sidebar menu makes it easy to add pages, testimonials, multimedia, blogs, images, links, or whatever strikes your fancy. You can edit any page and add all these goodies without any knowledge of HTML or web programming whatsoever! So by creating a WordPress site for you, we are giving you all the tools you need to update your website whenever and however you want.

#2 Benefit Of A WordPress Site: SEO-Friendliness

Our goal in creating a custom web design for you is not just to give you a parking spot online, but to drive business for you by enabling search engines to crawl your site. The thing about WordPress is that it’s one of the few Content Management Systems that is specifically designed to be more search engine friendly. These sites have especially fast loading time, which is important, not to mention a number of plugins you can add to help enhance search engine optimization.

#3 Benefit Of A WordPress Site: Versatility

There are tons of templates we can use for your WordPress site, tweaking the images, the colors and other design features to match your branding. Later on, if you decide you want a different look and feel, it is very easy to update and change the layout, without disturbing any of your content. It’s so easy to update, many of our clients browse the free and dianabol gains affordable templates themselves.

wordpress site
This is an example of a Houston WordPress site we’ve created.

The Bottom Line:

As you can imagine, all this ease of use leads to one inevitable conclusion: a WordPress site is also less-expensive than other systems! We spend less time developing your site and you can manage your content in a more autonomous way, so you can really cut out a lot of the expense in running a blog or webpage. WordPress also links with limitless hosting solutions, so you can save money there too by using your affordable provider. (If you don’t already have one, we’d be happy to help you in that department!)

Are you curious how you can get a WordPress site of your very own? Please contact us at 1-800-870-3721.